Italian has specific rules of pronunciation.
Once you have learnt them all, you can pronounce every Italian word easily…or almost.
Sometimes Italian accent can be tricky. Indeed, in Italian there are also some words that can have different meanings according to where their non-written accent falls. These words are called homographs.
Luckily, these words are a minority. Despite this, if you’re really interested in mastering Italian, I suggest you to learn some of these words.
I already listed some of the most common homographs in another article – Tricky Italian words – Italian homographs.
Today, I’m going to list other seven Italian words that can change their meaning according to where the Italian accent falls.
If you live in a flat in Italy, you live in a condominio. The word condomìni, if stressed on the third syllable is the plural of condominio.
However, if it is stressed on the second sillable, condòmini refers to the people who live in a flat, in short, it means residents.
a. A Milano ci sono tanti condomìni
In Milan there are many flats
b. Tutti i condòmini sono tenuti a rispettare il regolamento
All the residents must comply with all regulations
If you stress the first syllable, sùbito means immediately. However, if you stress the second syllable, subìto becomes the past participle of the verb to suffer.
a. Sarò sùbito lì
I’ll be there immediately
b. Ha subìto molte ingiustizie
S/he suffered many injustices
Stressing the first sillable, prèsidi means principals. Stressing the second syllable, instead, presìdi means garrisons.
a. I prèsidi hanno molte responsabilità
Principals have many responsabilities
b. Vicino al confine sono stanziati molti presìdi militari
There are many garrisons close to the border
If you stress the first syllable, vìola is a verb whose infinitive is violare and means to violate. However, if you stress the second syllable, viòla can become a flower violet or a musical instrument, viola.
a. Sono previste severe sanzioni per chi vìola la legge
There will be strict sanctions for everyone who violates the law
b. Nel giardino è cresciuta una viòla
In the garden a violet has grown
c. Lucia suona la viòla
Lucia plays the viola
Stressing the first sillable, vèstiti is an imperative and means dress yourself. Stressing the second syllable, instead, vestìti means clothes.
a. Vèstiti che è tardi!
Dress yourself! It’s late.
b. Oggi ho comprato dei nuovi vestìti
Today I bought some new clothes
If you stress the first syllable, vàluta is a verb, whose infinitive is valutare, to evaluate. However, if you stress the second syllable, valùta means currency.
a. Mirco vàluta oggetti antichi
Mirco evaluates antiques
b. La valùta è un’unità di scambio
A currency is a medium of exchange
Stressing the first sillable, nòcciolo can mean heart or stone. Stressing the second syllable, instead, nocciòlo means hazelnut tree.
a. Arriviamo al nòcciolo della questione, per favore?
Can we go to the heart of the matter, please?
b. Non buttare il nòcciolo della ciliegia
Don’t throw the cherry stone away
c. Ho piantato un nocciòlo in giardino
I planted a hazelnut tree in the garden
Do you find the Italian accent difficult to learn? Did you already know how to pronounce these Italian words correctly?
Original image by AnnaER