The Italian word ecco can have many uses in Italian. Today, you’re going to learn how Italians use ecco.
Let’s start.
Ecco is used to call the attention of somebody to something that is happening.
a. Ecco che arriva Luca!
Look, Luca is coming!
It’s used to indicate something. When you use ecco with this meaning, sometimes you also use your hand or index to indicate the object.
b. Ecco! Quello è il Duomo di Milano!
There! That’s the Cathedral of Milan
c. Ecco l’auto di cui ti parlavo
Here’s the car I was talking about/I told you about
With this meaning it can be combined with direct pronouns:
d. Non trovo più le mie chiavi, ah eccole!
I can’t find my keys, oh there they are!
e. Ed eccoci arrivati al Pantheon
And we’re finally here at the Pantheon
It’s used to start or end an explanation or a discussion where you’re giving your opinion about something or you’re telling a story or a thing that’s happened.
f. Ecco, io penso che lui abbia ragione
Well, I think he’s right
g. Ecco, questo lo inserisci qui
Here, you insert this in here
h. Ecco, adesso ti ho raccontato tutto
Here, I told you everything
Another common expression with ecco to end what you were saying can be “ecco tutto” meaning and that’s all.
It can be used as an answer if someone calls you
i. + Francesca?
+ Francesca?
– Eccomi!
– Here I am/I’m coming!
It can be used as an exclamation to reinforce what you were saying. In this case ecco can usually be replaced with “visto”.
l. Ecco, io te l’avevo detto!
See? I told you!
m. Ecco, vedi che avevo ragione?!
See? I was right!
Sometimes, it’s used to refer to something someone else has said, and that reminded you of something.
n. + Sai, alla fine ho comprato i biglietti per il teatro
+ You know, I bought the tickets for the theater in the end
– Ah, ecco, sì, volevo proprio chiedertelo! Quindi li hai presi? E quanto li hai pagati?
– Oh yes! I meant to ask you that! So did you take it? And how much did they cost?
Finally, ecco can be used in some common expressions such as:
Ecco perché = that’s why
Ex: Ed ecco perché alla fine sono partita per l’America
And that’s why in the end I left for America.
Ecco fatto = indicates that something is finished
Ex: Ecco fatto! La torta è pronta!
Done! The cake is ready
Ecco come = this is how
Ex: Ed ecco come si fa un risotto
And this is how you cook risotto
Ecco! E questo è tutto!
Here! This is all!
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