A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the Italian verb girare, explaning some of the meanings it can have.
Today, I’d like to focus again on the verb girare because in Italian there are many idiomatic expressions that require this verb.
So, let’s learn some of them.
1. Far girare le scatole
Far girare le scatole, or even more informally, far girare le palle, is an Italian idiom that means to piss someone off.
Ex: E’ stato talmente maleducato che mi ha fatto girare le scatole/palle
He was so rude he pissed me off
The words scatole and palle can also be implied.
Ex: E’ stato talmente maleducato che me le ha fatte girare
He was so rude he pissed me off
2. Girare al largo/alla larga
When someone is telling you to girare al largo/alla larga, he’s telling you to stay away from him or from someone else.
Ex: Gira alla larga da mia sorella/Gira al largo da mia sorella
Stay away from my sister
3. Far girare la testa
The Italian idiom far girare la testa can have at least two possible meanings.
The first one is to make one’s head spin.
Ex: Questo vino è troppo forte, mi fa girare la testa
This wine is too strong, it makes my head spin
The second is to fall in love
Ex: Questa ragazza mi ha fatto girare la testa
I fell in love for this girl
4. Girare intorno
Finally, the last Italian expression with the verb girare in today’s list is girare intorno a qualcosa.
Girare intorno a qualcosa means to avoid talking about what is important because you’re scared or embarassed, etc.
Ex: Smettila di girare intorno alla faccenda, arriva al sodo
Stop beating around the bush, get to the point
Do you know other idioms with the Italian verb girare?
Original image by jeanjean
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