Farcela is a very common Italian pronominal verb. It’s a pronominal verb because it’s composed by the verb fare plus the pronouns ce + la.
Farcela in italian can be used in different situations.
So, let’s see when and how to use the verb farcela.
Conjugation of Farcela
The conjugation of this verb is pretty easy since we generally keep the pronouns as they are for all the persons, we put them before the verb and then we just conjugate the verb fare.
Io | ce la | faccio |
Tu | ce la | fai |
Lui/Lei | ce la | fa |
Noi | ce la | facciamo |
Voi | ce la | fate |
Loro | ce la | fanno |
Io | ce l’ | ho fatta |
Tu | ce l’ | hai fatta |
Lui/Lei | ce l’ | ha fatta |
Noi | ce l’ | abbiamo fatta |
Voi | ce l’ | avete fatta |
Loro | ce l’ | hanno fatta |
The meanings of farcela
- The first meaning of farcela is to be able to do something or to manage to do something.
a. Non ce la faccio proprio ad essere lì per le 4, mi dispiace!
I won’t be able to get there for 4 o’clock, I’m sorry!
b. Ce la fai ad alzare un po’ il divano, per favore?
Could you lift the sofa a little bit, please?
c. + Signora, la aiuto con le borse?
Can I help you with the shopping bags, madam?
– No, grazie, ce la faccio
No, thanks, I can manage
d. Ce l’ho fatta! Ho passato l’esame!
I did it! I passed the exam!

Do you want to learn some other Italian pronominal verbs? Have a look at my book Sos Italian Pronominal verbs. It includes straightforward explanations of the verbs’ structures and conjugations, concise descriptions of their meanings, examples with English translations and exercises
- The second meaning of farcela is related to the first one and means that someone can’t take something any longer
Ex: Basta! Non ce la faccio più! Io mi licenzio!
Enough! I can’t take it anymore! I quit!
- Finally, the verb farcela can also be used ironically to tease someone who’s unable to carry out a simple task or to understand something simple.
Ex: Ma ce la fai?!
What’s wrong with you?
Or you can say “Ma io oggi non ce la faccio proprio!” to yourself to underline that you’re unable to carry out a simple task.
And that’s all for today. Se ce l’hai fatta a leggere fino alla fine, non dimenticarti di condividere questo articolo! – If you managed to read up till the end, don’t forget to share this article!
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