Qualsiasi, qualunque, chiunque and ogni are four Italian words that can cause some confusion to learners. So, today I’ve decided to explain the meaning of these four Italian words and how to use them.
Qualsiasi and Qualunque
The first thing to mention is that qualsiasi and qualunque are synonyms in Italian, so you can pick and use the one you prefer. They are also invariable so they are the same for feminine and masculine.
What do they mean?
Qualsiasi and qualunque are indefinite adjectives, meaning they give non-specific information about the nouns they refer to.
Qualsiasi and qualunque mean “any” one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter which one.
- + Quale rivista vuoi?
+ What magazine do you want?
– Una qualsiasi/qualunque
– Any
2. Qualsiasi ragazzo uscirebbe con te
Any boy would date you
3. Scegli una pizza qualsiasi/qualunque, a me piacciono tutte
Choose any pizza, I like them all
4. Pagherei qualsiasi/qualunque prezzo per avere questo libro
I would pay any price to get this book
Be careful when you use qualsiasi and qualunque after a noun because sometimes they can carry a pejorative nuance or meaning ordinary.
5. Non è un cane qualsiasi/qualunque, è un cane di razza!
It’s not just an ordinary dog, it’s a purebred!
When qualunque or qualsiasi are followed by a verb, they require the subjunctive. Remember also that both require a verb in the third person singular.
6. Qualsiasi sia il tuo problema, puoi parlarne con me
Whatever your problem is, you can talk to me about it
Chiunque is an invariable indefinite pronoun that refers only to people, not objects.
Chiunque means “any” person, no matter who.
7. Chiunque riuscirebbe a fare questo esercizio
Anyone can do this exercise
8. Chiunque abbia un invito può partecipare all’evento
Anyone who has an invitation can participate to the event
Ogni is an invariable indefinite adjective that means every person or thing in a group. When you use “ogni”, you’re referring to every member of the group and you’re considering them separately, as individuals. The noun that follows the word ogni is always in its singular form.
9. Io vado a fare la spesa ogni giorno
I go shopping every day
10. Ogni studente riceverà un premio
Every student will get a price
I hope I’ve helped you understand how to use qualsiasi, qualunque, chiunque and ogni in Italian, and their difference.
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