The Italian words circa and verso share at least one meaning in common. In fact, they can both mean approximately. So, when should I use circa and when verso instead?
Let’s see all the meanings circa and verso can have first and then their difference.
Circa has at least two important meanings:
Circa means regarding, concerning. An Italian synonym can be riguardo a.
a. Oggi in classe abbiamo letto un articolo circa i cambiamenti climatici.
Today in class we read an article about climate change.
b. Ho ricevuto una telefonata circa l’incidente della scorsa settimana.
I received a phone call about the accident happened last week.
Circa means also approximately. Some Italian synonyms are pressappoco, più o meno, su per giù, all’incirca.
c. Questo giardino sarà circa 10m2.
This garden will be approximately 10m2.
d. Il viaggio dura circa 6 ore.
The journey takes approximately 6 hours.
Verso in Italian has several meanings.
Verso means in the direction of.
e. Stiamo andando verso l’instabilità economica.
We’re heading towards economic instability.
f. Anna si girò verso di lui e gli sorrise.
Anna turned towards him and smiled at him.
Verso means near, close to
g. Maria abita verso Piazza San Babila.
Maria lives near Piazza San Babila.
h. Verso Torino sta grandinando.
It’s hailing near Turin.
Verso means also approximately, around.
i. Ci vediamo domani verso le 10 al solito bar.
See you tomorrow, around ten, at the usual bar.
l. Verso la fine dei 20 anni, il metabolismo cambia.
Towards the end of our 20s, metabolism changes.
Verso means with regard to.
m. Sente molta ostilità verso suo fratello.
He feels a lot of hostility towards his brother.
n. I suoi sentimenti verso di te non sono mai cambiati.
His feelings towards you have never changed.
Circa and Verso – Differences and similarities
So, what are the differences and the similarities between circa and verso?
1. Circa is used when we talk about a price.
Ex: Questa macchina costerà 30.000 euro circa.
This machine will cost around 30,000 euros.
2. Circa is used when we talk about quantities.
Ex: Ci sono circa 250 grammi di uvetta per panettone.
There are about 250 grams of raisins per panettone.
Ex: Alla festa hanno partecipato 300 persone circa.
About 300 people attended the party.
3. Circa is generally used when we talk about non-specified periods of time.
Ex: Resterò un mese circa.
I’ll stay for about a month.
Ex: Si trasferirà qui tra un anno, circa.
He’ll be moving here in about a year.
4. Circa and verso are used to talk about time: years, age; hours, months
Ex: Alla fine del 1800, circa, restaurarono la villa.
At the end of 1800, they restored the villa.
Ex: Verso la fine del 1800 restaurarono la villa.
Towards the end of 1800, they restored the villa.
Ex: Si sposò quando aveva circa 20 anni.
He got married when he was around 20 years old.
Ex: Si sposò verso i 20 anni.
He got married when he was around 20 years old.
Ex: Ci vediamo alle 9 circa.
See you at about 9.
Ex: Ci vediamo verso le 9.
See you at about 9.
Ex: Metteranno la casa in vendita a settembre, circa.
They will put the house up for sale in September, approx.
Ex: Metteranno la casa in vendita verso settembre.
They will put the house up for sale around September.
5. Verso is generally used to talk about periods of time: part of the day and Celebrations.
Ex: Verso sera mi sento stanco.
Towards evening I feel tired.
Ex: Si rividero verso Natale.
They met again around Christmas.
This is it for today’s Italian lesson. If you found this article useful don’t forget to share it and like our Facebook page!
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