Indefinite adjectives in Italian are those adjectives that modify nouns, giving nonspecific information about them. An example of indefinite adjective in English is the word “any”, which indicates no matter how much or how many things or persons. So, it gives nonspecific information.
There are several indefinite adjectives in Italian and they can be extremely useful when speaking Italian.
Indefinite adjectives in Italian can be variable and invariable. Today, I will focus on invariable indefinite adjectives.
Invariable indefinite adjectives
There are five Italian invariable indefinite adjectives: qualche, qualsiasi, qualunque, qualsivoglia, ogni.
Because they are invariable, these adjectives are always used with a singular noun and it’s form doesn’t change.
Qualche indicates an unspecified number of objects or people. In English it can be translated as some. An Italian synonym of qualche is alcuni (but alcuni is not invariable).
a. Hai qualche euro da prestarmi?
a. Do you have some euros to lend me?
b. Qualche persona pensa che la gentilezza sia inutile
b. Some people think that kindness is useless
Qualsiasi – Qualunque – Qualsivoglia
Qualsiasi, qualunque and qualsivoglia indicate one or some indiscriminately of whatever kind. In English they can be translated as any.
c. Puoi venire da me in qualsiasi/qualunque/qualsivoglia momento
c. You can come to me in any moment
d. Qualsiasi/qualunque/qualsivoglia persona ti dirà che ho ragione
d. Any person will tell you that I’m right
e. Prendi un libro qualsiasi/qualunque
e. Take any book
Among these three Italian words, qualsivoglia is definitely the most formal.
When qualsiasi and qualunque are used after a noun, they acquire a slightly pejorative meaning. In these cases, indeed, they imply that there’s nothing special about the object they refer to.
Moreover, when qualsiasi and qualunque are used after a noun, the noun can also be plural: scegli dei vestiti qualsiasi – choose any dress.
Ogni indicates every thing or person in a group of two or more, considered separately. In English it can be translated as each or every.
i. Vado al lavoro ogni giorno
i. I go to work every day
l. Ogni studente deve presentarsi in aula 3 alle 8:00
l. Each student must be in the classroom at 8:00
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Original image by RitaE