The concepts of good luck and bad luck probably exist in every culture. In Italy we use Italian sentences related to good luck and bad luck quite often. When something goes bad for someone or when something goes well for someone, we immediately react by using words linked to good luck or bad luck.
So, I think that knowing some of these Italian sentences can help you improve your Italian a little bit.
Let’s start from Italian sentences related to good luck.
There are many ways you can talk about good luck in Italian. You can read about some of them in this article I wrote some time ago Basic Italian phrases about good luck and bad luck
Let’s add some new Italian sentences to talk about good luck.
Let’s say that your mother tells you that your cousin got involved in a terrible car accident but somehow he managed to get out without a scratch.
How would you react to such a news in Italian? Of course, you can always say che fortuna! Or che culo! But another very common expression we use when something bad happens but everything tourns out well for the person involved in the accident is gli è andata bene! – Le è andata bene if the person you’re talking about is a female.
Let’s move on to another Italian expression to talk about good luck. Let’s say you’ve just discovered that someone you know, but that you haven’t seen in years, got married with a millionaire.
You can use many Italian sentences to react to such a news and one of them is: ha vinto alla lotteria!
Pay attention though, because according to the situation and the intonation you use, this sentence can also express irony.
Let’s move on with Italian sentences concerning bad luck.
It’s a beautiful day and you decide to go for a walk. While heading home you meet your sister who lives nearby. She tells you that your uncle is on a wheelchair.
Talking to her you discover that 5 days before your uncle fell down the stairs and broke a rib. Then, two days later, while heading home, he got struck by a car and broke his ankles.
Now, you can respond in many ways, and one of these is: che scalogna!. Scalogna is just another informal way to say bad luck.
If you want to learn other Italian sentences to talk about bad luck, don’t forget to have a look at Basic Italian phrases about good luck and bad luck.
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Original image by nimrodins
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