If you come to Italy, you’ll soon discover that in addition to great food, wonderful buildings and beautiful art, there are also many historical events.
So, if you’re interested in historical events, keep reading because I’m about to give you a small list of historical events in Italy that are definitely worth a visit – of course, when the pandemic is over!
Monteriggioni di Torri si Corona
Monteriggioni di Torri si Corona is one of the most known historical events that take place in Tuscany. It’s usually organized in July in the castle of Monteriggioni and lasts for 6 days.
During that period the Castle of Monteriggioni will bring you back in time to the Middle Ages.
Many things happen during this event. From the opening banquet at the Castle that offers only medieval dishes, to the incredible historical reenactment of the marriage of Mr Tolomei with Madonna Baldesca of Ghinibaldo.
Of course, there are also live music, historical games for children and families, acrobats, traditional food, reproductions of heraldry, and many artisans.
A peculiar thing is that if you want to buy any object sold in the Castle you need to exchange your euros with the “Grosso”, the old currency of the Sienese Republic.
La Giostra del Saracino
La Giostra del Saracino, in English the Saracen Joust, is a historical event of chivalry that takes place every year in Arezzo. It’s held twice a year: in September and in June.
This event is at least 620 years old, since according to historical documents it was already carried out back in 1400.
However, it seems that the rules were a little bit different back then. Indeed, everyone who showed up in an armor and with his godfather could participate at the Saracen Joust.
Nowadays, instead, the whole town is divided into 4 quarters: Porta Crucifera, Porta del Foro, Porta S. Andrea and Porta S. Spirito. The final price is the Golden Lance.
The festival starts with the Herald reading the proclamation of the Saracen Joust. Then, it comes a procession of the participants, followed by the blessing of the knights.
If you like medieval tournaments, this is a must-to-see.
Have you ever been to some historical events in Italy? What’s your favourite?
Original image by Devanath