Whether you have just started to learn Italian and want to progress faster or you’ve been learning it for a while and you feel stuck, this article may be helpful for you. Indeed, today I’d like to list some simple activities that you can do every day or every two days to progress in Italian …
Let’s change our mindset, let’s cultivate grit
Learning a second language can be terribly frustrating at times, especially if it’s so different from our native language, and if we have a very busy life. When things don’t go in the way we expected, it’s easy to feel discouraged, so discouraged we can even decide to stop learning because we think it’s not …
How to retain information more easily when you learn a new language
Memory is one of the most important things when it comes to language learning. I think that everyone of us has struggled at least once to remember words or expressions. So, when it comes to memorizing new words, it’s important to have strategies that work well for us. What does science say about memory? How …
How to retain information more easily when you learn a new languageRead More
Italian graded readers to improve your language skills
A volte le persone che hanno appena iniziato a imparare l’italiano mi chiedono di suggerirgli qualcosa da leggere per migliorare le proprie abilità linguistiche. Quindi, oggi ho deciso di scrivere un breve articolo sulle letture graduate che potete leggere in italiano. Sometimes people who have just started to learn Italian ask me for reading suggestions …
Italian graded readers to improve your language skillsRead More
Rewards of learning a new language
Some weeks ago, I wrote an article about some of the challenges you face when you learn a new language. However, learning a new language brings also many rewards and a lot of personal satisfaction. So, today I’d like to list some of the rewards you’ll get when you learn a new language. Seven rewards …