Have you ever wondered why after years spent studying Italian on course books, you’re still struggling to understand what Italians say? There are actually many possible reasons. One of these is that the language you usually study on course books and the language Italians use isn’t always the same. I mean, it’s always Italian, sure, …
Learn Italian
Learn languages faster
Summer is usually the period of the year when people take a break from work and go on holiday. For someone this is also the perfect time of the year to start learning something new or to book a study trip. For me, instead, Summer means energy. In fact, during this period, I’m more willing …
Ten Italian insults
Every language has a wide set of idioms. Idioms, as defined in the Cambridge dictionary, are a group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word on its own. For example, if I say It looks like the cat’s got your tongue it …
Examples of compound words in Italian
Compound words are those words which are formed by combining two or more words. In Italian, compound words are especially common in scientific and technical terminology. Some examples of compound words used in scientific fields, for example, are elettrocardiogramma (electrocardiogram) and gastroscopia (gastroscopy). However, you can find many compound words also in standard Italian. Examples …
Some Italian adverbs of time
Learning a foreign language isn’t easy. It requires at least strong commitment, a good amount of curiosity, and the will to reduce shyness. When learning a language, each person encounters different difficulties. Some people struggle to learn new vocabulary. Others, instead, find it more difficult to talk using the right rhythms and tones. If there’s …