Every recipe is different, I know, but there are still some Italian cooking words that you can find in recipes easier than others. Today I’ll explain to you ten common Italian cooking words that, joined to the ones explained in Ten Italian cooking terms you should know, will allow you to understand a large number of …
Learn Italian
Tips to learn Italian vocabulary faster
Learning a new language can be funny but, sometimes, it can also be frustrating, especially if your native language is very different from the one you’d like to learn. One of the difficulties you might have is remembering new vocabulary. Luckily for you, if your native language is English – or you know it quite …
Ten Italian cooking terms you should know
It’s widely known that Italy and food are strongly interrelated. There isn’t one single Italian woman that isn’t able to cook a delicious meal, even the ones who say that are terrible cooks. So, it seems pretty logical that Italians have created an entire special vocabulary dedicated to cooking. Knowing Italian cooking terms is essential …
Learn Italian faster – Italian vocabulary tips
Learning a new language can be frustrating. Indeed, the more a language is different from our native language, the more it will usually take us time to learn it properly. Sometimes difficulties concern pronounciation and intonation, sometimes they concern grammar, and sometimes vocabulary. If you’re a native English speaker – or can speak English quite …
Let’s learn Italian pronominal verbs
In Italian there is a group of verbs called pronominal verbs. Italian pronominal verbs are verbs that change their meaning when combined with pronominal particles – ci, ne, la – or with reflexive pronouns. Sometimes this change is small, some others it’s rather deep. So, today you’re going to learn seven very common Italian pronominal …