Easter has just passed in Italy, so I thought it would be a good idea to talk about some very common Italian idioms about hens and eggs, which are some of the symbols of Easter in Italy. 1. Meglio un uovo oggi che una gallina domani This Italian saying concerns both hens and eggs, and …
Learn Italian
Frequent mistakes Italians make in Italian (Part 2)
What are the most frequent mistakes Italians make when speaking or writing in Italian? Some weeks ago I talked about mistakes concerning accent and apostrophe – Common mistakes Italians make in Italian – today I’ll talk about some others. 1. VOWEL I The Italian vowel i can be tricky both for Italians and for Italian …
Frequent mistakes Italians make in Italian (Part 2)Read More
Common mistakes Italians make in Italian (Part 1)
Sometimes language learners are afraid of speaking in a foreign language because they’re scared of making mistakes. But they also forget that even native speakers make mistakes when talking or even when writing! So, to make you feel better about your mistakes in Italian, here are some of the most common mistakes Italians make when …
Basic Italian travel phrases
Everyone who’s come to Italy once in his life, has surely noticed that many Italians don’t have a good command of English. So, knowing and understanding at least some basic Italian travel phrases might be very useful for you if you ever decide to come and visit Italy. For this reason, today I’m going to …
The meanings of the Italian words magari and infatti
Magari and infatti are two common Italian words that Italians use daily. But these two words do not have only one meaning and can be used in different ways. Do you think you know all the meanings of these two Italian words and how to use them? If not, keep reading because today you’ll learn …
The meanings of the Italian words magari and infattiRead More