Movies are the mirror of a culture. They show its beliefs, its way of being, its traditions and so on. For this reason, I’ve decided to write a series of articles about Italian movies. I’ll start from my favorite: Italian comedies. Italian film producers shoot many comedies every year. Today I’ll list only five of …
What to see in Rome – The colosseum
Colosseum is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Rome. Its construction begun in 72 AD under the emperor Vespasian, and was then completed in 80 AD under his successor Titus. It’s estimated that colosseum could hold at least 50.000 spectators. Due to its large capacity it was also structured in such a way …
Italian evil-eye
In many Italian regions bad luck and evil-eye are considered very important issues. I already talked about bad luck in this article: How to get rid of bad luck – Italian practices. Today I focus instead on evil-eye. Evil-eye is an old curse known in Italy by the name of malocchio or jettatura. Evil-eye is …
Six reasons to learn a foreign language
Nowadays, studying at least a foreign language is compulsory in many school systems. However, after graduation, maybe for lack of interest, some people just decide to stop learning languages. Today I want to list some of the reasons why you should, instead, keep on studying a foreign language: 1. BETTER JOB OPPORTUNITIES Firstly, studying a …
Visiting Italy? A not-to-do list
They say when in Rome, do as Romans do. However, travellers know quite well that there are also some behaviors they should avoid if they don’t want to be labeled as tourists. So, for those of you visiting Italy, I’ve decided to write a brief not-to-do list: 1. Don’t use ciao to greet someone you …