What if you come to Italy and you need a dentist? Well, in this super short guide, you’re going to learn some basic vocabulary and some basic sentences you can use at the dentist’s in Italy. If you’re interested in other short guides, have a look at How to get a haircut in Italy, Italian …
My Blog
The Legend of Alaric’s Treasure
In Italia ci sono molte leggende su luoghi famosi o personaggi famosi. Una di queste leggende riguarda il re Alarico I e il suo tesoro. Vediamola. There are many legends about famous places in Italy or about famous characters. One of these legends is about King Alaric I and his treasure. Let’s see it. Alaric’s …
Twelve Italian tongue twisters
Who doesn’t like tongue twisters? I’m sure everyone of you have tried to speak at least one tongue twister in your life. Tongue twisters are a funny way to show our ability to pronounce difficult sounds fast. And, today I’ll tell you some of the most famous Italian tongue twisters. Why are tongue twisters so …
Small non-Italian communities in Italy
Che lingua si parla in Italia? Se vi facessi questa domanda, probabilmente rispondereste subito con l’italiano o con i dialetti locali. E se vi dicessi che in Italia vivono anche piccole comunità non italiane che parlano una lingua diversa? Oggi vi parlerò di una di queste comunità non italiane in Italia. What language do people …
English-Italian false friends
When we’re learning a new language, we tend to rely on our native language to guess the meaning of new words, try to understand grammatical structures, etc, whether we’re aware of it or not. So, it’s pretty common to think that a foreign word that is so similar to a word we have in our …