Since the start of the digital revolution, more than fifty years ago, the quality of machine translation has largely improved, and, nowadays, it is considered by many people a good way to overcome linguistic barriers and to transfer culture easily. Indeed, at times, it happens to hear some people complaining about the prices of human …
My Blog
How to deal with the days of the blackbird: coconut biscuits
The days of the blackbird – i giorni della merla – is an Italian expression meaning the coldest days of winter – specifically the 29th, 30th, 31st of January. No one knows exactly the origins of this expression, but there are some folk legends about it. The most famous one is about a female blackbird …
How to deal with the days of the blackbird: coconut biscuitsRead More
Twelve things you should know before visiting Italy (Part 3)
This is the third and last part of the article Twelve things you should know before visiting Italy. If you haven’t read the first two articles yet, you can do it now -> part 1, part 2. DON’T TOUCH THE VEGETABLES, EVER! If you want to grocery shop in Italy, be aware that there is …
Twelve things you should know before visiting Italy (Part 3)Read More
Twelve things you should know before visiting Italy (Part 2)
Two weeks ago I talked about four things every tourist should know before visiting Italy. If you haven’t read the article yet, you can do it now -> Twelve things you should know before visiting Italy (part 1). This week I’m gonna add four more tips. PUBLIC RESTROOMS If you want to do an escorted …
Twelve things you should know before visiting Italy (Part 2)Read More
La Befana
Epiphany is the name of a national Italian holiday that falls on January 6. In the night of the 5th January, la Befana – an ugly old woman – flies with a broomstick delivering both socks full of candies to good children and socks full of (sugar-made) coke to naughty children. But who is this …