As you know, every language uses specific combinations of words to express certain concepts. For example, in English you say to fulfil a wish, in Italian we would say realizzare un desiderio. This special combination of words is called a collocation.
Collocations can be difficult to learn in other languages because they can be completely different from the ones we have in our native language. So, today, I’d like to list ten Italian collocations that are easy to remember for English speakers because they’re the same in English!
Easy Italian collocations
1. Commettere un errore
It means to make a mistake.
Ex: Ho commesso un grosso errore a fidarmi di lui!
I made a big mistake trusting him!
2. Fare i compiti
It means to do the homework.
Ex: Potrai uscire solo dopo che avrai fatto i compiti.
You can go out only after you’ve done your homework.
3. Fare il letto
It means to make the bed.
Ex: Perché non hai ancora fatto il letto?
Why haven’t you made the bed yet?
4. Fare un favore
It means to do a favor.
Ex: Fammi un favore, passami la scatola rossa che é sul tavolo.
Do me a favor, hand me the red box that is on the table.
5. Fare una scelta
It means to make a choice.
Ex: Devi fare una scelta: o continui a studiare o vai a lavorare.
You have to make a choice: either you continue studying or you go to work.
6. Fare una telefonata
It means to make a call.
Ex: Nel pomeriggio devo fare una telefonata al mio commercialista.
In the afternoon I have to make a call to my accountant.
7. Mantenere un segreto
It means to keep a secret.
Ex: Anna non è mai stata in grado di mantenere un segreto.
Anna has never been able to keep a secret.
8. Mantenere una promessa
It means to keep a promise.
Ex: Io mantengo sempre una promessa, è per questo che ne faccio poche.
I always keep a promise, which is why I make few of them.
9. Perdere tempo
It means to lose time.
Ex: Smetti di perdere tempo e inizia a lavorare!
Stop wasting time and start working!
10. Risolvere un problema
It means to solve a problem.
Ex: L’idraulico è venuto ma non è riuscito a risolvere il problema.
The plumber came but couldn’t solve the problem.
What’s the most difficult collocation in Italian for you? And the easiest?
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Original image by JerzyGorecki