The Italian verb partire can be used to convey many different meanings. Do you think you know how to use the Italian verb partire properly? Test yourself with this new article.
The first meaning of partire is to go away from a place or from a person, generally (but not always) travelling for a certain distance and staying away for a certain period of time.
a. Marco è partito ieri per la Spagna
Marco left yesterday for Spain
b. Sono partita da Roma alle 14:00 e sono arrivata a Milano alle 18:00
I left from Rome at 2pm and I got to Milan at 6pm
c. Il treno è partito in ritardo
The train left late
Partire can mean moving quickly. When partire has this meaning, it’s especially used with reference to races.
d. La corsa è iniziata e i concorrenti sono partiti!
The race has started and competitors are off!
Another meaning of partire is to start an engine or a new thing like a project, a course, etc.
e. La macchina non parte!
The car won’t start!
f. Il motore è partito?
Did the engine start?
g. Il corso di lingua italiana parte a dicembre
The Italian language course starts in December
Partire can mean to originate. It’s especially used with reference to ideas, plans, proposals, etc.
g. L’idea è partita da Valeria
The idea came from Valeria
h. Da chi è partita ‘sta proposta?
Who did this proposal?
Partire in informal Italian
Informally, partire can mean to break.
i. Questa lampadina é partita
This lamp is broken
l. Mi sa che il computer é partito
I think the computer is broken
Partire can mean to get drunk.
m. Ma lo vedi? Questo é partito! Ha bevuto troppa birra!
Do you see him? He’s completely drunk! He drank too much beer.
n. Se beve mezzo bicchiere di vino, parte!
If she drinks half glass of wine, she gets drunk.
Partire can mean to fall in love. It’s typically used in the passato and trapassato prossimo.
o. Ti ricordi di Daniele? Mamma mia! Ero totalmente partita per lui!
Do you remember Daniele? God! I was completely into him!
p. Marco é completamente partito per Elisa
Marco is totally into Elisa
Finally, partire can mean to get crazy.
q. A un certo punto é partito e si é messo a urlare in mezzo alla strada
Suddenly, he got crazy and he started to yell in the middle of the street
r. É completamente partita! L’hanno dovuta ricoverare in ospedale!
She got completely crazy! They had to hospitalize her!
And this is it. Now, why don’t you make some practice and try to write some sentences with partire?
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