Casino and comodo are two Italian words that are widely used and have several different meanings. So, you really need to master them if you want to understand Italians or feel a little bit more like a native.
In informal Italian casino is used in many contexts. However, because it’s informal, remember to use it only in informal contexts. Let’s see now all the meanings of the word casino when it’s used in informal Italian.
a. Casino is used to indicate a lot of noise.
Ex: La smettete di far casino? Non riesco a dormire con tutto ‘sto rumore!
Will you stop making a racket? I can’t sleep with all this noise!
b. Casino is also used to indicate a mess
Ex: Ho fatto un casino! Mi sono cadute tutte le uova!
I made a mess! I’ve dropped all the eggs!
c. Another meaning of casino is trouble
Ex: Andate a fare a botte/a litigare da un’altra parte, non voglio casini qui!
Go fighting/arguing somewhere else, I don’t want any trouble here!
d. One more meaning of casino is to screw up
Ex: Questa volta farai meglio a non fare casini
You’d better not screw up this time
e. Finally, the last meaning of casino in informal Italian is a lot.
Ex: Ho fatto un casino di cose oggi
I did a lot of things today
Comodo can be used in different contexts:
f. Comodo is used to indicate that something can satisfy your needs or desires because it is suitable, appropriate
Ex: Alla fine abbiamo scelto la soluzione più comoda per tutti
In the end we chose the most convenient solution for everyone
g. Comodo is also used to indicate that something is comfortable
Ex: Questo divano è proprio comodo
This couch is really comfortable
h. Another use of comodo is to indicate that something doesn’t involve any effort
1. Paola è miliardaria, quindi ha una vita comoda
1. Paola is billionaire, so she has an easy life
2. C’è un supermercato a 5 metri da casa, comodo, no?
2. There’s a supermarket 5 meters from my house, convenient, isn’t it?
i. Comodo is used to say that something is useful for you because it saves you time or doesn’t cause you problems, in short to say that something is convenient
Ex: Le dieci sono un’ora comoda per te per fare la nostra riunione?
Is ten o’clock convenient for you for our meeting?
l. Comodo is also used in some expressions such as
- Prendersela comoda: do things calmly, slowly
Ex: Prenditela pure comoda, tanto siamo 40 minuti in anticipo sulla tabella di marcia
Relax, we’re 40 minutes ahead of our schedule
- Fare il proprio comodo/fare i propri comodi: think about your own interests, do what you like or what is more advantageous for you regardless of others
Ex: Non si può fare il proprio comodo in casa d’altri
You can’t do what you want in someone’s else house
Ex: Non puoi lasciare la macchina parcheggiata in mezzo la strada per andare a fare i tuoi comodi
You can’t leave the car parked in the middle of the road to go do whatever you like around (it could be shopping, taking a coffee etc)
- Fare comodo = be useful
Ex: Un po’ di soldi in più ci farebbero comodo in questo momento
Some extra money could come in handy right now
I hope I’ve helped you understand how to use the Italian words casino and comodo. If this article helped you, why don’t you click share and let everyone know about it?
Original image by tookapic