The Italian words ancora and già might cause some problems to English speakers if they’ve just started learning Italian. Indeed, ancora and già can be translated in many different ways in English according to their use.
So, let’s see how ancora and già are used in Italian.
Già can indicate different things. It can be used to:
1. Indicate that something has already happened or will happen.
a. Ho già pulito la cucina
I’ve already cleaned the kitchen
b. L’anno prossimo, a quest’ora, sarò già sposata
By this time, next year, I’ll be already married
2. Indicate an event that ended earlier than you expected. It’s usually used in exclamations and questions.
Ex: Wow Maria è già tornata?
Wow is Maria back already?
3. Indicate something that has already happened at least another time in the past.
Ex: Io ho già visto questo film un anno fa, però lo riguardo volentieri
I’ve already watched this movie a year ago but I’m glad to watch it again
4. An event that lasts for some time now.
Ex: Marco, sono già due ore che ti aspetto, ma dove sei?
Marco, I’ve been waiting for you for two hours now, where are you?
5. Indicate something that should have already happened, but didn’t.
Ex: Avrebbero già dovuto consegnare il pacco a quest’ora!
They should have already delivered the pack by now!
6. Mean fin da ora, fin da questo/quel momento.
a. So già che mi toccherà aspettare
I already know that I’ll have to wait
b. Già da piccolo sapevo che sarei diventato un medico
When I was a child, I already knew I wanted to be a doctor
7. To say si.
+ Fa caldo oggi, eh!
It’s hot today, eh!
– Già!
Ancora is used:
1. To indicate that something hasn’t happened yet.
a. Laura non è ancora arrivata
Laura hasn’t arrived yet
b. Laura è già arrivata? No, non ancora
Has Laura arrived already? No, not yet
c. Devo ancora pulire la cucina
I still have to clean the kitchen
2. To indicate that it’s not the time to do something yet, but you’ll surely do it in the future.
Ex: Non è ancora il momento di rilassarsi
It’s not the time to relax yet
3. To indicate that there’s still a possibility that something will happen.
Ex: Non ti preoccupare, puoi ancora vincere
Don’t worry, you can still win
4. To indicate that something that used to exist, still exists.
Ex: Giovanni sogna ancora di diventare un cantante
Giovanni is still dreaming of becoming a singer
5. To indicate that something happened once more.
Ex: Paolo ti ha chiamato ancora
Paolo called you again
6. To mean “even”. In this case a synonym in Italian would be perfino or anche.
Ex: Il secondo libro è ancora meglio del primo
The second book is even better than the first one
7. To indicate that you want some more of something.
Ex: Vorrei ancora un po’ di torta, se c’è
I’d like some more cake, if there’s any left
8. To indicate actions that continue.
Ex: Dovrai prendere l’autobus ancora per 5 anni
You’ll have to take the bus for 5 more years
I hope I’ve helped you understand a little bit more how to use ancora and già.
Original image by Mylene2401
Stirling Smith
Very helpful. I love this type of article!
Sos Italian
Sono contenta che ti sia piaciuto e che l’abbia trovato utile!