Many people are interested in having a list of basic Italian sentences to learn. It’s a little bit difficult to list all these sentences since they differ according to the topic.
So, in this article I’m going to list some basic Italian sentences divided per topic.
Italian can be confusing at the beginning. Especially if you can’t speak Italian very well or if you can’t speak Italian at all.
In these cases, knowing the following basic Italian sentences can be very useful.
Mi scusi, non ho capito. Potrebbe ripetere, per favore?
I’m sorry, I didn’t understand. Can you repeat, please?
Potrebbe scrivermelo?
Could you write it down?
Mi scusi, non capisco. Potrebbe parlare più lentamente?
I’m sorry, I can’t understand. Could you speak more slowly?
Non parlo italiano. Parla inglese?
I don’t speak Italian. Do you speak English?
Being able to ask for directions can be of paramount importance when you visit a foreign country.
Here’s a small list of basic Italian sentences that might come in handy.
Mi scusi, mi sono perso/persa.Vorrei andare al Colosseo. Come posso arrivarci?
Excuse me, I’m lost. I want to go to the Colosseum. How can I get there?
Mi scusi, per il Colosseo?
Excuse me, how can I get to the Colosseum?
Mi scusi, per il Colosseo è di qua?
Excuse me, is it this way for the Colosseum?
Mi scusi, potrebbe indicarmi il Colosseo sulla mappa?
Excuse me, could you show me the Colosseum on the map?
The following basic Italian sentences can be useful if you want to buy a ticket and ask for information.
Un biglietto per Roma, per favore
A ticket to Rome, please
Un biglietto di andata e ritorno per Roma, per favore
A round-trip ticket to Rome, please
Un biglietto di sola andata per Roma, per favore
A one-way ticket to Rome, please
Quanto costa un biglietto per Roma?
How much is a ticket to Rome?
A che ora parte il prossimo treno per Roma?
What time is the next train to Rome?
Medical emergencies can happen when you’re on holiday and it’s important you know how to ask for help.
Here are some basic Italian sentences you can use.
Può aiutarmi, per favore? Non mi sento molto bene. Ho bisogno di un dottore
Can you help me, please? I’m not feeling very well. I need a doctor
Potrebbe portarmi in ospedale, per favore?
Could you take me to the hospital, please?
Mi porti in ospedale, per favore
Take me to the hospital, please
Qual è l’ospedale più vicino?
What’s the nearest hospital?
Mi fa male la testa/gamba…
My head/leg hurts
Mi fa male qui
It hurts here
Here are some more basic Italian sentences you can use in an Italian café, in an Italian restaurant, and in an Italian shoes shop.
Original image by JESHOOTScom